Mark Gado was a detective with the City of New Rochelle Police Department in New York for 29 years and a federal agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration for two years. He was named Investigator of the Year 2000, received the International Award of Honor from the D.E.A. in New Orleans, Louisiana and received dozens of other awards and commendations during his long police career.
Gado is the author of Killer Priest (Praeger 2006), Death Row Women (Prager 2007), Mom, the Killer, Nightcrawler, Kiss the Girls Goodnight (3 Rosetta Crimescape Books) and Famous American Crimes and Trials Encyclopedia (2004). Gado has a B.A. in Criminal Justice and an M.S. in Criminal Justice from Iona College.
Detective Gado joined the rescue effort at Ground Zero immediately after September 11. He is also a U.S. Army combat veteran of Vietnam, 1967-1968.